Refund Policy


No risk satisfaction guaranteed. If you’re not satisfied with Brush Butler, simply return in the original package within 30 days for a full refund.


Once your return is received, we will notify you by email that we received your item(s). For refund approval, item(s) need to be complete, and shipped within 30 days in original package. When approved, your refund will be processed and a credit return will be applied to your credit card within 7 days. This will be a full refund of the paid cost of the product(s). Customer is responsible for cost of shipping.


Return can be sent to MKR, LLC. 250 North Auburn Rd, Auburn, ME 04210. Customer is responsible for cost of shipping. We recommend you use a trackable shipping service.


We will replace any item(s) that arrives to you damaged or defective. Please email us at if you need to exchange an item. You can send your item to MKR, LLC. 250 North Auburn Rd, Auburn, ME 04210.