A Painter’s Blog
A clean brush is essential for an artist to paint their best. The Brush Butler is a brush cleaner that allows painters to extend the useful life of their brushes and reuse cleaning solution, saving money. These blog posts, along with the Brush Butler, will provide valuable painting tips for painters of all abilities. If you have been avoiding using oil paints because you didn’t want to deal with cleaning your brushes or expose your skin to solvents and paint, you’ll want to use the Brush Butler and read our blogs for painting tips!
Engineered by a painter for painters, the Brush Butler is simply a better way to clean your brushes. Enjoy!

Painter’s Tips, Volume Four
I grew up in a time when the library was the resource we turned to when a subject was to be studied or researched. I remember in my youth learning the Dewey Decimal System, and sometimes having a difficult time finding my way around the library. I knew where the science and art books were

Painters’ Tips, Volume Three
A painter’s journey in part involves a never ending quest of new knowledge. This can involve everything from studying existing paintings, to attending workshops, reading, and much more. If you’re an artist who wishes to paint more and develop your ability, it would be well to start with a dedicated painting space – your studio. No matter

Painters’ Tips, Volume Two
John Singer Sargent once said “Cultivate an ever continuous power of observation…” One of the masters of painting inferring a painter can continuously learn and improve. Painting above, “Claude Monet painting by the Edge of a Wood”. The journey a painter takes is never static. The determination to create in paint a compelling work of

Painters’ Tips, Volume One
While painting on the coast one day, an on-looker asked how long it took me to paint the picture – which was now almost complete at roughly 1 pm. “Well”, I said, “I started this morning at around 10”. “Wow” said the on-looker. “Well”, I said again; “but it took many years to develop skills to be able

Depending on who you talk to, Maine’s appeal is widely varied. “Vacationland” is on our license plate. According to the Portland Press Herald, over 35 million visited Maine in 2016 – and this in a state with a population just over 1 million. Boating, fishing, hiking, sightseeing, are just some of the draws, and Maine

A Painter’s Imagination
Marc Chagall once said “Great art picks up where nature ends”. Artists know this instinctively, and many art critiques may find this is their credo. For every artist, there is a line where they allow imagination and invention to take over. This either occurs voluntarily or not; planned or not. Nature, it is said has within