
Painter’s Tips, Volume Four

I grew up in a time when the library was the resource we turned to when a subject was to be studied or researched.  I remember in my youth learning the Dewey Decimal System, and sometimes having a difficult time finding my way around the library.  I knew where the science and art books were though, and during “study” hall it was those I most often perused.

The library is still an important resource, however with the advent of the internet (especially the last 20 years), anyone can research almost any subject from the comfort of one’s own home.  The amount of information is staggering and often times it is difficult to discern the good and valuable information from the not so good.

 Below are four links with a brief description.  They represent the short list of the “greatest hits” – of art related links for resources you may find helpful.  Some I stumbled across over the years, and others I benefited from someone providing the link.  If you have a link you’d like to share, please feel free to contact me and I’ll try to post at a later time.

Art Renewal    If you never visited this site, I highly recommend doing so.  It is a wealth of information and provides an excellent on-line museum, free on-line books, education resources, art competitions, a store, and much more. 

Juried Art     a clearinghouse for some of the best shows, exhibits, and competitions all in one place.  This site gives you the ability to apply for a show, manage images, and also tracks your history for you.  If you are an artist who participates in shows around the country – or would like to – you should check this site out.

JFM Frames;      Excellent resource for traditional style frames and moldings.  They have an on-line catalog where you can search frames styles and colors.

 Stapleton Kearns Blog;      About the best blog I have thus far come across regarding all things painting – especially landscape painting.  I have not met Stapleton, but have read much of his blog.  You should find it informative, educational, entertaining, and sometimes humorous – worth a look!





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